Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Change of plans

I´m just going to make my blog public because too many people are having problems with their invitations expiring, having to create a login, etc. I´m pretty sure that means you can just forward the link to anyone who might be interested, so please feel free to do so!

What I´ve been up to:
Saturday I had a choir rehearsal at the University of Talca for the competition yesterday. Unfortunately I didn´t end up going because yesterday I was really sick...it was not fun! But I slept all day and I feel loads better now, and I was fine to go to school today. Saturday my family and I ate Chilean asado, or barbecue, that my dad made. It was insanely good! Eva and Marisa (my two host moms for the year) thought I got sick because I eat too much (raise your hand if you´re surprised) but I assured her that I just have fast metabolism and I actually ate more in the U.S. than I do here, especially during track and cross country.
Tomorrow I have a choir competition in Concepcion, a larger city by the coast. I am very excited! We get to travel all together by bus.

I am going running now for the first time in months. Wish me luck. I really have no excuse not to because it is a beautiful day here and I have the time and I couldn´t ask for a more picturesque place to run. Mountains, hills, cows, dung, here I come!


  1. It sounds amazing there, I hope you're having fun! We miss you in cross country - good luck in school and have fun on your run :)
    - alexis

  2. Sara!!!

    I did not think that you would already be writing on your blog because you talked about the communication black out, so I was so excited when I was able to read everything you have written so far! It sounds like you are having an unbelieveable experience. I have to say I laughed out loud when I read the part about your "weener" dad. I can just picture your host family saying this with an accent! I am glad that school seems to be going smoothly, and that you have Peggy to help you adjust, she sounds very nice. Cross country has been going well, we had our first pool work out yesterday and that was a new experience lol...nobody drowned, so I guess that was good! Everything here has been same old same old. I love hearing about all of the food that you have been eating. I hope that you are feeling better since you were sick! I think I will forward the link to your blog to our class now that it has been made public. Cant wait to hear more!

    <3 Bridget

  3. sara-
    i thought you weren't supposed to talk to us for a while. o well i don't mind. your family and new friends sounds like tons of fun. i hope that you are taking lots and lots of pictures especially of this boy in your class who you think is cute :) i still have not adjusted to school, i think my brain died over the summer. ms. davis announced the fall show and we a re doing a variety show based on musical, plays, and movies of the 1930's to the 1980's. i let you know how that goes. i love how the majority of what you have written so far has been about food, such typical sara. i hope that you continue to have an absolutly wonderful time. i need your address so i can send you things in a while.
    i miss you, our theater row feels really empty without you.
    i love you so much- Maddy

  4. Hi Sara,
    Enjoyed reading your blog. Ms. Scranton sent all the faculty the link. I'm glad to hear that you're learning so much (at breakneck speed, it seems)!
    I'm enjoying teaching the sophomores and the seniors this year in my new classroom in the mansion. You can open the windows wide and let the sunshine and fresh air and the noise from LS recess in. One of the seniors is lobbying to install a zipline from my classroom balcony through the Spirit Courtyard to the US Commons doors. Such is what I deal with on the home front at CSG... Take care. Ms. Miranda

  5. hey :). sounds like you're having quite an experience. I see you are enjoying all the food! It sounds amazing! haha.
    talk you you soon hopefully!
    love you!
